How to Manage Time During Exams: 11 Secret Hall Hacks

How to Manage Time During Exams: 11 Secret Hall Hacks


Picture with text how to manage time during exams

You may not know all the questions, and MCQs in the paper. Still, you’re not able to manage time. It’s very difficult for students to manage time during exams. This is because they doesn’t follow good methods. If you go for the exam with the right mindset, then managing time will become very easy.

In this post, we will learn how to manage time during exams. We have 11 secret exam hacks for you to manage your time effectively for exams.

How to Manage Time During Exams: 11 Secret Tips

Using the right exam hacks will help you manage your time during the exam. Here are the 11 secret tips on how to manage your time during exams.

1. Read the Instructions Carefully

Before answering questions, it’s very important to read the instructions of the paper to understand what you need to do and what not. Read each point thoroughly and follow them. If you’re not sure about something, you can ask your examiner. Reading the instructions will prevent you from making mistakes that could waste your time.

2. Make a Mind Map Before an exam

Before the exam starts, make a mind map of the important topics that you think might come into it. This will help you remember what you have studied and give you a quick overview.

  • Write down the main topics or ideas.
  • Draw a circle around each one to show how they are connected.
  • Use colors and symbols to group similar ideas.
  • Keep it neat with a clear structure and headings.

3. Utilize the Time During Attempting Questions

Use the time properly to solve the question, because if the answers aren’t written properly, even if you understand them completely, then you can’t manage the time. So, make a plan for questions and sections.

  • Make time for each question such that you can write its answer in one minute or two.
  • Allot time for each question in such a way that it is completed according to your time.

For example, you have set 30 minutes to do Section B, and you have to answer 10 questions. Therefore, your goal should be to write each question in 3 minutes.

4. Attempt Easier Questions for You

No one said to answer the questions in order; find your quick wins and attempt the questions in which you are more confident and those that are easier for you. After completing those questions, you can jump on to longer questions. Leave the difficult questions which you don’t know till last, maybe you will remember them. Answering the easier questions first will give you more time to think about the difficult ones. Attempting easier questions will boost your confidence and help you stay motivated.

5. Manage Your Writing Pace

Writing speed is one of the most important elements of managing time during exams. Write neatly and clearly, don’t spend too long on your handwriting. Focus on getting your answers down in a way that’s easy to read. If you make a mistake, cross it out and go ahead. Don’t waste time rubbing it out or rewriting the whole answer.

Here are some tips for managing writing pace during exams:

  • Practice writing quickly and clearly before the exam.
  • Use a template or outline to help you organize your thoughts.
  • Focus on getting your main points down first, then add details later.

6. Stay Calm and Focused

It is normal to feel nervous during exams, but it’s not normal to stay calm and focus on your paper. Take a deep breath and, focus on the questions in front of you and block out distractions. If your mind goes blank, move on to the next one and, come back to it later.

  • Take a few deep breaths before the test starts.
  • Think positively.
  • Don’t think that I won’t be able to solve this question.
  • Pay attention to the question.

7. Keep Looking at the Clock

Make it a habit to check the clock after each question. While solving the paper, look at the time again and again, so that you can know whether you’re keeping up with the time or not. Carry a clock with you; if it isn’t in the exam hall, then you won’t face any problems. You won’t need to ask others; you won’t waste even a second.

a yellow alarm clock with bells

Looking at the clock will give an idea of how much time you’re spending on every question. And if you’re behind, don’t panic. Focus on answering the questions of more marks.

8. Reduce Paper Pressure

Don’t put pressure on yourself, the exam is a chance for you to show what you know. Do your best, but don’t worry if you find some difficult questions. Focus on writing the questions that you can answer instead of being stressed and worried. If you go with time then you will not feel pressure. Paper is a game of confidence, the more confident one will pass the exam in style. If you have made this mistake, don’t do it again.

9. Focus on Questions Instead of Answers

Instead of focusing on the answer, focus on the question. Control your happiness and don’t be overconfident. Because such questions come in the paper, which is not what you think. Here is an example to illustrate:

  1. Write down the properties of matter.
  2. Write down the properties not related to matter.

I hope you understand my example. Thus, it’s necessary to first look at the question understand it, and then use it. This way, you will write more, and your number will be cut down.

Look at the questions carefully to save your time during the exam and you do not face any problems.

10. Mark the Question you’ll Attempt

a group of check marks question

If you have any questions while looking at the paper, underline or tick it. That way, you can easily find them later, and it won’t be wasted. After underlining the questions, write them one by one. If you remember a question upon seeing it, it can be motivating, feeling like you’re solving the exam without studying.

11. Drink Water

a woman drinking from a glass

During the exam, don’t forget to drink water to keep your brain hydrated and alert. Lack of hydration leads to poor concentration and decreased cognitive ability. Therefore, take a small 2-5 minute break between consecutive questions to drink water and revive yourself. A small bottle of water kept beside you at the desk would serve the purpose without distracting you much and help you keep your hydration level best throughout the day.

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How to Manage Time During Exams: Summary

Students often feel that time runs away from them during the exam. By using these mind-blowing study tips like reading the instructions, attempting simpler questions first, maintaining a pace while writing, keeping calm and focused, and drawing a line beside the questions that you will attempt, you can manage your time effectively during the exam and perform better.

Shah Faham

Shah provides advice and strategies to help everyone succeed in school because he wants everyone to achieve well. He’s constantly searching for fresh approaches to support students’ development.

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