7 Quick Memorizing Tips to Remember What You Study

7 Quick Memorizing Tips to Remember What You Study


7 Quick Memorizing Tips to Remember What You Study

Effectively remembering the studied material is important for a learner to study properly. Smart students can remember things quickly. However, average people always need more time to be satisfied with their memorization. We often need to remember what we study after 1 or 2 days, and this makes the moments doubtful.

Some students put their hours into learning, going with the materials, and still forgetting what they studied before the exams. These are the students who didn’t know effective memorization techniques.

In today’s article, you’ll learn seven quick memorization tips to remember what you study in a shorter period for exams, tests, and others.

7 Quick Memorizing Tips to Remember What You Study

Are you the one who forgets studied materials after 1 or 2 days? We’ve got seven mind-blowing study tips to remember what you study to maximize your study time well and efficiently. Here are the seven memorization study tips:

Tip 1: Quick Recall

Recall information after some times to remember what you study

Quick recalling means to recall the information you have studied after 2-3 hours. Recalling the concepts makes it less likely to forget studied topics and helps in remembering what you study in the long term. Don’t read the notes and textbook only, try to recall it after some hours. It is scientifically proven that quick recall helps remember information in the long term.

To practice quick recall do these:

  • Create flashcards. Create flashcards with questions and write the answers on the other sides.
  • Test yourself. Test yourself to check how good you are at remembering what you have studied without looking at the answers.

Tip 2: Understand the Concepts

understanding the concepts instead of memorizing

Try to understand the concept you are studying and want to remember for your tests and exams, instead of just memorizing. Understanding the concepts is better than memorizing. When you understand what the topic is saying and what the principles are, you’ll master your studies without studying much. Study in a distraction-free environment to be more productive. Don’t study in a distracting place.

To understand the concepts:

  • Ask yourself a question. It’s better to ask yourself why and how things work, seeking and understanding the reasons behind the concept is better than only reading and memorizing. Asking yourself a question helps you stay focused and motivated.
  • Use analogies. Reconnect new information with your existing ones. Using analogies helps in making complex ideas more concentrated and relatable.
  • Apply the knowledge. Use your information in practical situations. Make projects and complete exercises to apply your knowledge.

Tip 3: Spaced Repetition

It’s one of the most effective memorizing strategies, which includes reviewing the information at increasing intervals over time; this method is known as spaced repetition. This technique benefits the spacing effect, a phenomenon of improved recall.

spaced repetition

To use spaced repetition:

  • Create a schedule. Create a study schedule for reviewing your notes. Start with shorter intervals and increase the time between reviews, for example, 2 days, 3 days, 5 days, or 1 week.
  • Used spaced repetition Software. Use apps like Anki or Quizlet, which are tailored to optimize review sessions during spaced repetition.

Tip 4: Use the Pen Color

It means using different colors while taking notes. It makes it easier to remember what you study. Pen coloring is an effective study tip for science students who are weaker in remembering what they study.

To use pen colors:

  • Use colors for the text. Use blue, black, green, yellow, or any other color for your text.
  • different color for headings. Use different colors for headings, which should be different from your text color.

Tip 5: Use an Emotional Connection

Emotional connections can help you remember information better. Try to associate the information you’re studying with personal experiences or emotions.

For example, if you’re studying a historical event, try to imagine how you would feel if you were there. If you’re studying a scientific concept, try to relate it to something you’re interested in.

Tip 6: Review Before Bed

couple reading books before they sleep

Reviewing before bed is the best way to keep information for the long term. So, take a look at your notes before going to bed. During sleep, your brain consolidates memories, making it an ideal time to strengthen what you’ve learned. Remembering the information mostly depends on how much you revise or re-check the topic. The more you revise, the more you remember. Be consistent with your studies and make it a habit to check a topic before you sleep.

Tip 7: YouTube It

YouTube might be your partner for understanding and remembering the information effectively. If any topic you think is difficult for you, check it out on YouTube. There are many educational channels and videos available on YouTube. You can easily find any topic that suits your needs.

To use YouTube follow these steps:

YouTube search bar with search query " physics introduction"
  • Go to YouTube.
  • Click on the search bar and search for your topic.
  • You will find your video.


The main point of the text is that there are seven quick memorization tips to remember your study. These secret study strategies can help students remember what they study more effectively, including techniques such as quick recall, understanding concepts, spaced repetition, using pen colors, creating emotional connections, reviewing before bed, and utilizing YouTube for additional resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my concentration while studying?

You can improve your concentration while studying by choosing the right study environment, gathering your study materials in one place, and sticking with your daily study routine.

How can I improve my memory?

Minimizing distraction while studying, engaging with activities that challenge your mind, solving puzzles, and completing quizzes. These are the techniques that help you to improve your focus.

What is the 2 3 5 7 method for revision?

This method involves revisiting the materials in two days, then on the third day, and again on days five and seven. This method is very effective for remembering information.

Is 20 minutes of revision good?

20-25 minutes of revision is the best working session for remembering the information. It’s recommended to revisit the materials after some days and before going to sleep at night to remember the concepts for the long term.

Shah Faham

Shah provides advice and strategies to help everyone succeed in school because he wants everyone to achieve well. He’s constantly searching for fresh approaches to support students’ development.

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